• The Springcreek Foundation is a private foundation founded in 1994 by the Corning and Long families to continue and expand their tradition of philanthropy and impact investment. In recent years, The Springcreek Foundation has contributed significantly to the field of impact investing, specifically in support of sustainable food and agriculture.

    The Springcreek Foundation does not accept unsolicited proposals.

  • Grants and Investments

    The Springcreek Foundation is a private foundation that enables donors to make grants to express their philanthropic interests through donor-advised funds as well as to work with other philanthropists to leverage opportunities for grantmaking and impact investments that advance a conservation economy. TSF's unique, responsive structure combines the simplicity and privacy of a donor-advised fund with the greater focus and flexibility of a private foundation to support engaged and creative philanthropy. TSF's assets are managed using an Impact Investment Policy that continually strives to increase capital support of a conservation economy. TSF funds participate in both market- and premium-rate impact investments.

  • Our Impact

    At The Springcreek Foundation, we recognize that the health of the global economy is dependent upon the health of the greater ecosystem. We employ strategies that leverage environmental, social, and financial capital to promote a healthy ecosystem.

    Our green investments have impacted 6.2 million people globally by improving access to green energy.

    Investments in green real estate have increased energy efficient building and our investment in sustainable timber has increased the number of acres being more sustainably managed, the numbers of native species planted, and the volume of clean water available to more people.

“be an opener of doors for such as come after thee.”

- ralph waldo emerson